This treatment is effective for tattoo removal and so much more! This laser treatment can help to revitalize your skin and give you a more youthful appearance. The team at Laser Skin Solutions Jacksonville can help you to turn back the clock on your appearance with the PicoSure® treatment that is right for you. Whether you are looking for a solution for fine lines or hyperpigmentation, this laser treatment may be able to help. Our team can determine the best approach to help you address these unwanted features and help you to achieve the skin that you have always wanted.
How Does PicoSure® Work?
This laser treatment, best known for its effective use in tattoo removal, is also a wonderful skin rejuvenation tool. With PicoSure® treatment your skin will not only look better, but it will begin to repair itself from the inside out. This laser renewal system works below the skin’s surface to prompt increased collagen production that can help your skin improve its appearance over time. While you will notice immediate results following your PicoSure® treatment, your skin will continue to improve for weeks following your treatment session. Loose skin will tighten, fine lines will become less noticeable, and age spots and other signs of pigmentation will diminish.
What Else Do You Need to Know?
The laser spurs the skin to create cell renewal in a shorter period of time, both on the skin’s surface and below. This treatment is effective for patients who are looking for great results but who are not yet ready for surgical procedures. One of the favorite outcomes of this treatment is the youthful glow that it provides. Each session will last from about one hour to an hour and a half, and will include a comprehensive consultation. After the initial session, you will need to return about a month later for your next treatment. The third session will occur a month after that, with a check-up two weeks later. If you are happy with your results, you will only need to return every six to nine months for a maintenance session that is necessary to keep your skin looking great!
Are you ready to take your skin care results to the next level? Contact Laser Skin Solutions Jacksonville in Jacksonville Beach, FL today to schedule your PicoSure® treatment consultation and start enjoying a youthful, smooth, and even-toned appearance!