Caught in a constant cycle of shaving, waxing, and plucking the same problem hairs over and over? There is a better way to treat those stubborn areas, with laser hair removal, here at Laser Skin Solutions Jacksonville. Our location has a variety of options for different hair types and sensitivity levels that will leave you feeling more confident, free, and ready to get back to your life. Visit us to find a superior solution that rejuvenates your skin!
Get the Best Treatment for Laser Hair Removal with Excel HR™
This product is designed to be more comfortable than what patients are used to feeling during treatments, and it is widely used for all skin types and problem area sizes. A study of patient satisfaction with treatment of Excel HR™ compared to laser hair removal options with similar energy settings found that 100% of patients preferred Excel HR™. You have an important life, so choose a treatment for laser hair removal in Jacksonville that is fast and effective. Spend less time worrying, more time enjoying!
Solve a Lifetime of Problem Hair in Months
Treatments for laser hair removal can range from as short as three minutes, to as long as 90 minutes if you have a larger treatment area being invigorated. Typically, patients can expect six to nine sessions, spread out over six to 10 weeks, which can offer the desired results. Treatments may vary depending on skin and hair type. However, even if treatments do not completely solve your needs, you may still see laser hair reduction in your first treatment. It is also found that, if hair does grow back after treatment, it tends to be much less concentrated and finer than before. With results like these, there is no time to waste!
Contact Us Today for a Consultation
Do not waste any more time waiting to see if laser hair removal in Jacksonville is right for you, the savings compared to the average cost of shaving can potentially save you thousands. The experts at Laser Skin Solutions Jacksonville in Jacksonville Beach, FL would be more than happy to discuss your options with you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!