Jacksonville residents love their gorgeous surroundings and happy home in Northern Florida. But if there’s one thing that Florida can be, it’s humid. And if you have a problem with excessive sweating, you may find yourself feeling less than comfortable. The thing about sweat is that it doesn’t always take hold when you’re in an accommodating environment. Sweating at the beach? No problem. Sweating in the office? Definitely not something you want to be dealing with.
When you have overactive sweat glands, Jacksonville hyperhidrosis treatment is worth investigating. Our clinic offers treatment with the revolutionary miraDry technology. It’s the first permanent, non-invasive treatment option for excessive sweat – and it could be right for you.
Comfortable Jacksonville Sweating Treatment
miraDry eliminates problem sweat glands to help get your skin back on track. The technology gently heats your sweat glands, causing a portion of them to cease functioning. It’s possible for the area to be heated without any of the other skin cells being harmed. Only a certain percentage of your underarm sweat glands will be eliminated, allowing you to still cool off when necessary. You’ll just be free of problem sweat.
If you’re interested in learning more, you can schedule a no-strings-attached miraDry consultation by filling out the form below.
Stop Sweating & Change Your Life
If you’re sweating uncontrollably, in professional and social situations alike, then it’s time to make a big change. In the past, patients seeking sweat control were forced to undergo repeat treatments (as with Botox) or experience invasive surgery to diffuse the glands. miraDry is completely different. You won’t need any downtime after the procedure, and you’ll see the results you’ve been hoping for.
Stop throwing out stained shirts, feeling anxious about your underarms, and holding yourself back because of excessive sweat. We can change things with a simple treatment.