When looking for an effective method of hair removal, some find that waxing, threading, razors, and depilatory creams get the job done. However, methods like waxing can leave ingrown hairs while also being a harsh process. People that are fed up with shaving and waxing have found that light-based methods like laser hair removal in Jacksonville are favorable to traditional methods.
After treatment, most of the hair is reduced, and the hair that remains is thinner and less noticeable. The results are not always permanent, but patients will only need a maintenance session as needed to keep on top of it. It can be expected to attain effective results after a series of treatment sessions.
The laser targets deep down at the follicle and depending on the areas being treated, patients can see some results after the first few sessions. Lasers produce a single precise wavelength of light that will go deeper than other light-based methods. The laser can give a concentrated blast of light straight to the follicle and targets individual hairs rather than a large group at once. Therefore, light-based hair removal provides one of the most precise methods of hair removal to date.
Laser hair removal is the quickest and most efficient form of hair removal. It might cost more per treatment upfront, but after the set of treatments, patients will save money and time that would otherwise be spent on other methods.
Skin and Hair Types
The precision that lasers provide allows pinpoint targeting on the hair follicle. This method can benefit various skin tones without overheating the skin. Colors of hair also absorb light differently. This is because of the amount of pigment they contain. The more pigment hair contains, the easier and faster it can be removed with laser treatments.
Treatment and Hair Removal
Unlike waxing, shaving, or other methods, there is no need for surface hair for laser removal. In contrast, it is encouraged to shave before your session. Not only will laser hair removal in Jacksonville not cause painful ingrown hairs, but it can also treat them. Minimal side effects are another advantage of laser hair removal in Jacksonville.
Get Started with Laser Hair Removal in Jacksonville
For more information about laser hair removal in Jacksonville, talk to the experts at Laser Skin Solutions Jacksonville. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about this treatment. Contact us today for an initial consultation at our office in Jacksonville Beach!